On-Demand Webinar
How to Import Libraries and Manage Components with Altium 365
Watch our webinar and learn how to elevate your PCB design via library and component management in Altium 365!
Speakers & Guests
John Watson
Customer Success Manager at Altium
The quality of your PCB design hinges on your component library. You may still be using the legacy library types of PCBLib, SchLIB, DBLib, or SVNLib, and for various reasons, you haven’t moved to the Altium 365 Integrated Library type.

Today is the day you can make that happen.

Watch our session to:

Discover the benefits of switching to an Altium 365 Integrated Library and receive practical guidelines on library prerequisites, architecture, naming scheme (revision), lifecycle, and component types.
Learn how to populate your newly established component library in Altium 365 with quality components to ensure superior PCB designs. We'll cover Manufacturing Part Search, automatic and manual component creation, and Library Importer.
Explore the best practices for utilizing the Altium 365 Library, including Manufacturing Part Search, Active BOM, Item Manager, and the latest addition to Altium 365 - BOM PortalSM.
Want to learn more about Altium 365? Schedule a meeting with one of our product experts below.